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Stupid? Or Clever-Yet-Stupid Spoof? »
September 15, 2005
Playboy Survey: College Girls Want To Have Sex With Both Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie
After 60 years of promising and never quite delivering, Playboy finally reveals the trick to attracting women: be really, really, really, really frigging good-looking.
Secret's out!
Go and do likewise, gentlemen.*
The article also reports that 75% of men named Dave living in Garfield Ridge would like to give a wettie to Powers Boothe.
Also in this month's issue: Are gold stereo cables really that much an improvement over three-signal coaxials? Which shouldn't come as a shock; the Playboy Advisor answers that same question every fucking month. (Answer: the improvement is small but, for the true audiophile, noticable. It all depends on your budget!)
And oh yeah, Norman Mailer has a screed about something or other. The high price of adult diapers or something.
Thanks to scorpius.
* Where?
And I Swear I Never Thought I'd Ever Say This But... Is any other guy out there finding that lesbian-chic is becoming a little passe?
There comes a point at which the titillatingly taboo becomes kinda, well, old.