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September 13, 2005
Live Video of Roberts Hearings
I hear it's fun stuff.
Senatrix Feinstein decided to invoke the Holcaust yesterday in her prepared opening remarks, for no good reason I can divine:
It is important to remember and learn from history. For centuries people have been persecuted for their religious beliefs. During the Roman Empire, the Middle Ages, the Reformation, and even today, millions of innocent people have been killed and tortured because of their religious beliefs.
I recently traveled to Europe where I saw monuments enshrining the tragedies that have occurred in the name of religion. In Budapest along the River Danube there are 60 pairs of shoes covered in copper: women's, men's, small children's.
During World War II, Hungarian fascist and Nazi soldiers forced thousands of Jews including men, women and small children to remove their shoes, as a final humiliation, before shooting them and letting their bodies fall and drift down the river. These shoes represent a powerful symbol of man's inhumanity.
You know what else represents a powerful symbol of man's humanity?
Actually shooting these people, that's what.
And I submit this idiotic preening opening statement represents a powerful symbol of man's stupidity.