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Fake Transcript of Roberts Hearings, Day Two »
September 13, 2005
Are you ready for the Rumble in the Jungle?
With all due apologies to Ali and Foreman, tomorrow will be the true Rumble in the Jungle.
I confess to being a fan of Christopher Hitchens. No, I don't agree with everything he says. But he is truly someone you can still respect while disagreeing with him. Plus, anyone with the cojones to take on both Bill Clinton and Mother Teresa, has got to be worth a look.
That is why I am really looking forward to tomorrow night. He will be debating a true degenerate subhuman, George Galloway. Needless to say, Hitchens and I agree on the necessity of ousting a genocidal dictator with a proven history of WMD and starting wars. If you can't be there listen in. I'm also betting that C-SPAN will either have it live or taped.
Take my word for it, you won't be sorry!
posted by Tanker at
12:32 PM
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