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September 09, 2005
The Unauthorized Ace Interview
Okay, yeah, I know: Instapundit used to constantly link to people doing little funny posts/tributes to himself. I don't think he was narcisstic, necessarily, just sort of being nice to people who were puffing him.
I've tried to avoid that, but...
SobekPundit has an "interview" with me, and I feel okay about posting it, because it's kind of funny and sort of insulting. Not pure kissy-ass, like all of Instapundit's Insta-love posts were.
I guess I also have to post it because (after picturing me as, ummm, Cindy Brady), he pictures me as the hero from Krull, and life's too short to not link a good Krull reference.
Although-- for the future? If you really want to flatter me-- Ash from the Evil Dead/Army of Darkness song-cycle.
Ash, baby. It's gotta be Ash.