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September 04, 2005
Final Sign of the Apocalypse; Academic Symposium All About Bruce Springsteen
Could they find somebody with a more overblown sense of self-importance to honor this way? Is that even possible?
Lemme put it this way; if George Washington* lived for three hundred years, and was still our first and only President today, and personally sired every child in the nation himself, he wouldn't be nearly as cocksure about his significance to the USA as Bruce Springsteen.
Bruce Springsteen is Apple Pie, Mom, the local Baptist Church, and your hometown little league team rolled up in one monotonously grunting package.
Dammit! Uggh! I can't believe they are honoring this guy.
I do like his older music.
* For you history buffs; the father of our nation, our first president. You're welcome.

posted by Laura. at
05:17 PM
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