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July 19, 2005
Newsflash: Democrats Proud of Their Ability To Manipulate Stupid American Voters
Okay, that's not really a newsflash. The newsflash is that a Democratic hack came perilously close to admitting that:
Geoff Garmin, a leading Democrat pollster, blithely admits that the Democrats manipulated the public's view of this issue because the concept of a filibuster was "beyond the pay grade of the American voter."
How revealing of the Democratic mindset regarding John Q. Public! They nakedly proclaim the view that the majority of Americans as being ignorant and beneath contempt. While advertisers happily pony up tens of thousands of dollars for a single page advert in the Sunday Times Magazine, Democrats seem to think nobody will notice their disregard of the intelligence of their constituents. The worldview is so deeply ingrained that they do not even see it as something remarkable to be discussing in the national forum.
H/t to NIF, who has a bonanza of links, lots of good bloggy, newsy goodness throughout.