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July 19, 2005
Bush's Surprise Nominee: Dick Cheney!!!
Just kidding. But wouldn't that be great?
No, really, it's DC Court of Appeals Judge John C. Roberts, Jr.
This Washington Post profile from a few days ago makes him sound a-ok.
According to The American Mind, Mark Levin says he's "excellent."
Powerline (hat-tip for that WashPost profile) says "the reality-based community" (Keith Olbermann, Dana Milbank, the usual idiots) are quite sure Bush made this early announcement as a "distraction" from, as some wag put it, the non-scandal of Karl Rove non-outing the non-secret CIA paper-pusher Victoria Plame.
And... forget where I got this, but Joe Lieberman (one of the Gang of Fourteen who promised not to filibuster except in cases of "extraodinary circumstances" )has previously named Roberts as a nominee who was "not out of the ballpark" as far as acceptability.
Video Update: As usual, the Political Teen has video of the announcement.