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July 19, 2005
Wow... Linked By Margaret Cho
I just couldn't be prouder.
By the way, sugar-- the problem isn't the dog, which I'm sure is a fine dog, loyal and brave. The problem is you. Apparently you believe that some terrorism -- killing people and destroying property -- is "chic" and even a little bit hot, if the killers/destroyers have a good sense of fashion and a dose of charisma.
I thought lefties were against violence? You ought to be; I'm a rightie and I certainly don't support any sort of unlawful violence. But I guess you take an "ends justify the means" view.
I personally don't. I'm as against abortion-clinic-bombers as I am against eco-wack-a-doos who blow up SUV's and spike trees in hopes of killing or injuring a logger.
I don't care about what politics animates this sort of violence; I call all of these miscreants lawbreakers and, yes, terrorists.
I wish that those on the left would at least agree with that rather incontrovertible principle.