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July 11, 2005
The Leftist Exemption -- "Civil Disobedience" Includes Vicious Assaults On Police

When they're not doing tens of thousands of dollars worth of property damage, sometimes our little Trust Fund Trotskys decide to nearly kill cops with blows to the head.
But we can't chill their right to dissent, right?
Protesting is just fine. Even when done semi-illegally without a permit. So long as the crowds disperse when ordered to by police.
But we have a hard-corps of travelling vandals and attempted murderers moving from city to city and disrupting the lives of everyone trying to, you know, just live, all because mommy didn't breastfeed them or daddy didn't teach them how to throw a football.
It's well past time to start locking these people up for the various laws they break -- even the petty ones -- and not merely catching-and-releasing them, sentencing them to the time served (two or three days they spent in jail).
If you run with these sorts of miscreants, judges must stop showing leniency in the name of "political dissent." This is not dissent; these are real crimes. No one's political leanings give them the right to smash windows and set fire to SUV's.
Our judges understand this principle when violence comes from the right. How on earth do they justify an exemption for leftists, anarchists, and attention-craving solipsists of ultra-violence?