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June 16, 2005
Email of the Day
From someone calling himself X-Lefty:
The liberal avenger's post just is another confirmation that my actions of voting Right (which means....sigh...republican) in the national elections.
I hope to return to the Left someday since I disagree with the Right on so many social issues (from stem cells to abortion to public displays of religion) it is not even funny and my peer group is mildly displeased (or think I'm mad) with me since they all votes left (or abstain as some can not bring themselves to vote for a Rep but are to disgusted with the current Left to vote for them).
But I actually do love America and it's ideals of Freedom enough to stand with it in this sad time.
I just have to be very quiet about it or else I am called a Nazi.
The Terrorists are the evil ones, those that kill and oppress, it is not the American Military, not Bush, not even Delay.
I really wish the left would get this through their collective (thickish) skull. Our enemies -- our common enemies -- are those who would kill us in order to impose an alien and barbaric system of religion/dhimmitude upon us.
Hillary Clinton and Howard Dean are not my enemies. They are annoyances, hucksters, political rivals. Rivals are not enemies, at least not in a functioning democracy. We "fight" each other by argument, persuasion, some propaganda (hey, we're all guilty), ad hominem attacks (ditto), campaign contributions, and ultimately the ballot box.
Any on the left who cling to the notion that DeLay, Rove, Bush, Cheney, etc. are "enemies" really ought to re-examine their basic beliefs and their understanding of what civil (meaning not politie, but not violent) political culture and democracy are really about.
I think a lot of people on the left are stupid pricks. I'm sure those on the left feel the same way about those on the right. But "stupid pricks" are not enemies. We are, I hope, still all Americans, and still united under one flag, whether you salute that flag or burn it.
I've mentioned this before, but during a particularly hostile argument during the Clinton Impeachment Wars, someone popped in to say, "You guys all know that when the space-aliens come, we're going to be on the same side, right?"
I do think there are those on the left who consciously or unconsciously side with the enemy. But by and large they just have a very different conception of America than we do, and generally want what's best for America. (They just happen to think "what's best for America" is allowing Paris or the UN to rule us.)
I hope that more on the left can make this distinction as regards their "enemies" on the right.