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June 13, 2005
Just Heard [Jen@Demure Thoughts]
I just heard on the Radio they will be announcing the Jackson Verdict in one hour.
Update By Ace: Cool. It's finally over. I'm happy to say I don't think I've written one post about this.
The trouble is-- we all know he did it. But from what little I know of the case, I'm not sure they've really proven much. Only one victim is willing to claim he was molested; the others deny it. And that one victim and his family... well, they're not really a credible bunch.
It will be interesting to see if the jury basically just ignores the "beyond the reasonable doubt" standard and substitutes a different standard, like, "come on, we know this freak is jerking off young boys; who cares if there's evidence for it or not?" Sort of reverse jury-nullification -- just nullifying the actual standard of evidence needed to convict, in a manner that hurts the defendant rather than the prosecutors. (The OJ jurors jury-nullified, I think.)
I think he'll walk.
Update by Jen: I think he probably will as well. I think he will probably get the conviction for giving alcohol to a minor though. That one they all but admitted to doing. Either way I think Jackson will make a bolt out of the country at the earliest possible opportunity. I do not see him just going to prison and taking his medicine and I do not see him staying in the country waiting for the mothers of his children to take them back.
Update By John: Are we talking about the guy who wears the sequin glove and does that "moonwalk" dance?
Update by Jen: Is the Verdict leaked?
I cannot imagine the folks at court tv want this on their site if this comes down other than true. More: This is what I would think a clerk would type up for signature by the judge and jury. Maybe they just posted the guilty forms and didn't post the innocent forms. I doubt he gets convicted on ALL counts.
Update by Dave: Uh, I've got nothing. I was just feeling left out.
Although, if Jacko does go to jail, anyone want to take bets on how soon he gets the "Oz" treatment?
Update by Jen: Final bets folks... I say guilty on a few of the lesser charges. I hope I am wrong.
Not Guilty of Molestation... Not Guilty of anything. Unfucking believable. He needs to call OJ and start a club called, "Thank God for the Assclowns who Serve on LA Juries Appreciation Organization."
Update by John: Jen said it best: Un. Fucking. Believable. Congrats to all the freaks outside the courtroom.
Does this mean that the courts don't give a shit about our kids? Maybe. Or maybe celebrity is more important than the safety of children. But don't think for one moment that the jury would have found someone whose name was Joe Smith not guilty on all ten counts.