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June 09, 2005
Darth Vader Plays Wheel Of Fortune. [Dave at Garfield Ridge]
I know this joke has been made before, but man, these still crack me up.
Visit here for the latest version.

Join me, and together we can win the trip for two to Acapulco.
UPDATE: If you want to read the absolute best review of Star Wars Episode III, don't visit my site, and skip Ace's grouchy whining.
Read James Lileks here-- he liked it in the ways it could be liked, and he slams it in the way only he can. Good stuff.
UPDATE TO THE UPDATE: Reader Sean alleges that the link led to a virus. I've got Norton on my machine, fully updated, and nothing popped up for me, so I don't know what he's talking about.
That said, I must take it seriously, and warn everyone to exercise caution on clicking on this link. If you don't have a good anti-virus program, well, you shouldn't be surfing INTERNET to begin with, dumbkopfs.
Click here if you dare.