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May 20, 2005
ABCNews: Republicans Filibustered Civil Rights Act
This is widely believed by anyone who hasn't actually bothered to check the record, which of course the j-school geniuses at ABC News did not.
It was the Democrats, of course, who filibustered the CRA.
ABC News has now silently corrected its error. They've rewritten the story without acknowleging their rather spectacular gaffe.
As has been frequently observed, the MSM praises itself for its ostensibly "prompt and thorough" corrections, but the corrections they tend to admit are a blown middle initial, incorrect years of serving in Congress, etc.
When they blow something that really exposes their ignorance or partisan bias, they may correct (sometimes), but they do so stealthily without admitting the mistake. Sometimes they "row-back" a story -- publishing a subsequent story which corrects unacknowleged errors in a prior report -- and sometimes, as ABC News now seems to prefer, they simply do a quick rewrite.
But remember: You can trust them more than you can trust an amateur.
Or, in my case, a desperate loner with nothing left to lose.