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May 20, 2005
Friday Flame War Competition
Been a while since there was an official one.
Now, the competition aspect is limited. I'm not going to do one of those big awards posts. I've run dry on them, pretty much. But I will announce the top ten or top twenty slams, in approximate order of effectiveness.
Slams can be in haiku or prose format. Both will be rewarded. Haikus don't have to be strict, but they have to be approximately haiku-ish. (I know I violate that rule; I'll be better with my haikus.)
Ammunition can be found here, where many people quite retardedly coughed up embarassing information about themselves. If you want to slam someone, search for their name at the post and see what juicy tidbits come up.
People who want to slam others, but who haven't coughed up anything embarassing, really ought to re-visit that post and add something dorky or weird about themselves, just to keep it fair. I'm not sure if stealth flamers will be eligible for making the winner's circle... well, maybe you can make it, but your flame had better be really good. Like George and Donald Trump, I don't like people "flying under the radar."
I'd start out with a search on "VonKreedon" or "Compos Mentis," but that's just me.
Okay, now there's a lot of dirt to work with. As Simon Cowell says, it's time to really elevate your performance and show you have what it takes to be an American Flame-Warrior.