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May 17, 2005
"I confess, I find the question of what Andrew thinks less pressing than I used to"
A deadly dig at Excitable Andy by Instapundit.
I guess there's something to this cool dismissal business that makes it more effective than my typical "Fuck you, asshole."
I'll look into that.
But seriously, worth reading. The final nail in Excitable Andy's coffin. The "emoter-in-chief" dig is especially satisfying for those of us who have documented Delicate Andy's constant updates as regards his emotional state.
Plus... well, look, there's no more pretense of cordiality between them. This sets up the Ultimate Blog War, bigger than Godzilla vs. Megalon.
And that ought to be fun.
Excitable Andy Casts About For New Allies Update: Pace David Brock, Andy seems to have found a whole new group from whom to curry favor. Again he cites a Daily Kos contributor as authoritative.
Shocking? Not really. As I have said from virtually the first day of this blog: the man has always been a self-absorbed solipsistic narcisstic huckster.
So am I, of course. But I'm admitting it, you know?
PS, Andy: Welcome back to the prospect of big media money once again. Sure, you'll have to make some embarassing confessions about being "duped" or "blinded by the right" and all, but after a televised chat with, say, Dr. Phil, you will of course be welcomed back into the liberal fold wholeheartedly.
Hey-- sounds like a good premise for a tell-all book, huh?