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May 17, 2005
Breaking, Blah, Blah, Blah: Karl Rove Set Up Newsweek
Gee, if the media aren't liberal, why do liberals dream up Krazy Konspiracy Konfabulations to defend the media everytime they get caught dirty?
From a "business futurist" (read: diagnosed maniac) over at the Huffington Compost:
Newsweek getting "caught" like this has Karl Rove's stink all over it. Am I the only one who sees this pattern at work? ...one that is destroying the credibility of the press? Not that the press hasn't made its own mistakes (thanks NY Times/Jason Blair)...but when it comes to "big news" stories where The White House gets to shout "How dare you!" because sources turn out to be shady (even though the facts of the story are never refuted)...
Come on, folks...who's going to benefit most from living in a country where when CBS or Newsweek says the people in power have done something bad those people can do their best Ronald Reagan imitation and say "There they go again."
The solution? Full disclosure of all sources when it comes to stories like this? I'm not sure.
But what I AM sure about it that any mainstream press organization that publicizes ANYTHING bad about this administration had better make sure they've got their source on tape and fingerprinted...not just for their own protection, but for the protection of America!
I don't do photoshops, so I'll just describe two funny ones.
First photoshop. Muslims burning the American flag. On the right, Admiral Akbar warns: "It's a TRAP!"
Second photoshop. Coupla guys sitting around a viewscreen in a badly-pixelated, old-school videogame spaceship scene. On the viewscreen is a smug Michael Isikoff. Caption: "SOMEONE SET US UP THE KORAN."
There you go.
Really no point in my buying photoshop when I'm so verbally brilliant as to paint pictures in yo's mind like that.
H/t to Brak.