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May 04, 2005
Finger-Lickin' Dickery
Dopey protestors chant "KFC is Kentucky Fried Cruelty;" a dick (and I mean that in the best possible way) decides to eat a box of Kentucky Fried Cruelty (extra-crispy, I think) right in front of them.
Thanks to LauraW.
Warning: A bit too many annoying "Your computer may be infected" popups, but I think it's worth it.
But Tell Me What You Really Think Update: Alex_fs offers this nuanced take on the matter--
Anybody who is against chicken torture hasn't spent a significant amount of time around them. They are stinking, filthy, stupid eating machines whose sole saving grace is their delicious flesh. If it weren't for their qualities when fried I'd demand that they be eradicated from the face of the earth. In fact, I'd recommend that slaughterhouses be more brutal. I'd advocate mass cockfights instead. Thunderdomes of poultry killing, ten thousand chickens enter, no chicken leaves.