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May 04, 2005
A New Romero Zombie Epic (Fast Vs. Slow Zombie Debate Rages!)
June 24th: Land of the Dead.
I'll be there.
As I've argued with my typical brilliance and punchiness, zombie-flicks are the closest thing in the horror genre to a guarantee of at least a two-star experience.
Thanks to AllahPundit, who frets that it looks too much like the Dawn of the Dead remake.
Hey-- that rocked. What's the problem? Sure, I guess I prefer the Old School slow-shambling zombies, but if they want to speed them up for the kids (it's always about the kids, you know) I'm down with that, too.
As long as they look like gruesome and funereal like Nick Nolte after a three-day bender and devour human flesh (also, you know, like Nick Nolte after a three-day bender), they're zombies. The slow-shamble isn't sacred.
Update-- Debate in the Comments: Zombies-- retro or turbo?