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May 02, 2005
UNbelievable: FBI Agent Has Tapes Implicating Kofi?
Norm Coleman (best damn freshman Senator, evah!) is asking hypothetical questions as if they're not quite completely hypothetical.
Paul Volcker is doing his best to prevent the FBI agent (one of the pair who resigned over the matter) from testifying before Congress, claiming some sort of "diplomatic immunity."
Diplomatic immunity? Where's Danny Glover when you need him?
Uhhhhh... last I heard, diplomatic immunity is possessed by the person, no the country. If a diplomat wants to waive immunity and accept an arrest, I think he may do so.
And... how the heck does diplomatic immunity apply to a US citizen after the termination of his association with the UN? For how long does Volcker imagine this "immunity" persists for?
Anybody With a Wife This Hot Must Know What He's Talking About Update: Not too shabby.