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March 25, 2005
Devolving Standards of Decency
William Kristol is just makin' sure-- the Constitution now protects vicious killers who are smart enough to kill just shy of their their eighteenth birthday, but sexually-useless women who have grown inconvenient to their husbands are on dey's own, right?
Thank heavens We the People have been disburdened of making such decisions ourselves through legislative means, because we so clearly get so many of these questions wrong.
If we didn't have judges, we might have to live with our mistakes and perhaps correct them when we recognized them as such-- you know, like in a democracy or somethin'.
Thanks to Alicia.
Also From Alicia: A petititon in support of impeaching Judge Greer.
It's not going to go anywhere of course, but it might be useful in blowing off steam.
And for those who knee-jerkedly whine about the independence of the judiciary-- yes, they are independent, but also subect, according to state and federal constitution, to the impeachment process. Those who yammer on about the constitutional requirement of an independent judiciary seem to always miss the part in the constitution about removing judges through impeachment. That, too, is a constitutional process, and it remains the only democratic check on our anti-democratic judiciary.