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March 05, 2005
Dutch Government Passes Its Own Patriot Act
Heaven forfend! Tim Robbins' "chill wind" has swept across the Atlantic!
The act, if promulgated into law, would allow previously-banned law enforcement techniques, such as phone taps, infiltration of suspected terror cells, and entrapment-ish techniques like bogus agreements to sell weapons.
It still needs to be approved by the parliament.
I guess Bill Moyers' and Michael Moore's theory -- that George W. Bush has "terrorized" the American people with a fictitious threat of terrorism -- can now be adapted to include parts of northern Europe.
Damn-- when that George Bush sets out to scare people, he does a hell of a job of it. He's even got teeth chattering and knees knocking in Amsterdam!
George W. Bush
Very, very scary. Boo!