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March 05, 2005
Ted Rall, Too, Compares Hitler Favorably To Bush
I guess Hitler = Bush just has lost its outre cache.
The new formulation is Hitler > Bush.
Why am I giving this douchebag, who frankly draws like a retard, a link?
I don't know.
Via Michelle Malkin, discussing hate on the internet, and condemning the hate from both the left and the right.
But she notes that the MSM does not seem particularly eager to join her in condemning all hate. Just some of it.
She asks what the media reaction would be to a right-wing cartoonist who compared Clinton to Hitler, and then, in his final panel, suggested that Clinton ought to "take responsibility" the same way Hitler did and blow his brains out.
Ummm... I sorta think I know the reaction.
And yet leftist darling Ted Rall gets a pass from our fair-and-balanced media.
Garfield Ridge Explains the Difference Between Bush and Hitler: A little hint for Ted: maybe the fact that you haven't been summarily executed bears on the Hitler > Bush formulation.
Does anyone else weary of these self-righteous little solipsists deeming themselves martyrs and victims because, Horror of Horrors, they get condemned or ridiculed by (gasp!) political opponents?