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March 05, 2005
I'm George W. Bush, and I Approved of This Message

Thanks to Greg.
Edited: I wanted to post this pic but I didn't have much comment, or a decent headline. So, having nothing, I originally wrote it as a kneejerk slam on the MSM for not covering this story.
Trouble is, as has been pretty demonstrated here and elsewhere, the MSM actually is covering this story. So my kneejerk why-aren't-they-covering-this whine was misplaced, as well as contradictory, as I just spent the last two weeks posting stories of liberals eating crow.
Anyway. Still a good picture. And I think I finally thought of a decent headline.
Bashar Bashing Update: Roger L. Simon notes that Assad's rally crapped out, and that his half-measure two-stage withdrawal proposal ain't cutting it.
Reckless Speculation I Just Can't Resist Linking Update: The Lebanese army has taken positions around the Syrian intelligence offices in Beirut.
Captain's Quarters wants to know if they're there to protect the Syrian spooks, or if they're there to help guide them to a peaceful, but forcible, exit.