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February 25, 2005
They Love America Enough To Hang Effigies of Soldiers
Living in Berkeley does not, in fact, give you license to be a complete asshole.
Digger's realm is all over this story, with exclusive photos of the Pearce couple's other patriotic displays.
Hat tip to Riehlwordview, who offers effigies of the America-hatin' couple in return.
Dirty Pool Warning: Please don't post personal phone numbers in my comments. There's free speech and then there's just harassment.
It's one thing to blitz a company with complaints, but someone's personal phone numbers are a different thing entirely.
I wouldn't want the moonbats to publish my home number; I trust none of you would want the same done to you.
So-- no personal addresses, no home phone numbers. Nothing that can be used for simple petty harassment.
Thanks for understanding.