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February 25, 2005
The Smartest Woman In the World Insults Iraq's Likely New Prime Minister
Ahhh, the sophistication and nuance of Democratic diplomacy:
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has touched off a diplomatic flap with Iraq's incoming government by questioning whether the leading candidate to become the next prime minister is too close to Iran's ayatollahs.
The likely new prime minister, Ibrahim al-Jaafari, shot back at Clinton, who just completed a visit to Iraq, by questioning her credibility as a spokeswoman for U.S. foreign policy.
"Hillary Clinton, as far as I know, does not represent any political decision or the American administration and I don't know why she said this," al-Jaafari told The Times of London.
"She knows nothing about the Iraq situation," he added.
"There are grounds for concern and for vigilance about this," said Clinton, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
Deciding she needed to do even more to advance American interests around the globe, she then offered her opinion that Tony Blair "might not be gay per se, but I'm sure he didn't make it through the British public school system with his boycherry completely intact."
The weird thing about this is that Ahmed Chalabi may actually be picked, after all that stuff about how no Iraqis would ever accept him.
He probably won't be picked, but I think the fact that he is al-Jaafari's major competition within the party says something, yet again, about the predictions of the anti-war left.
Ummm... A Clarification I Didn't Think Was Necessary: Hillary did not say that about Tony Blair.
It's the usual set-up you see on Conan O'Brien or Weekend Update on SNL. First comes the real news, then comes a hyperbolic joke riffing off the news item.
I thought that was obvious. But sometimes, I guess, the obvious isn't so obvious.