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February 25, 2005
The Guys Get the Shirts They Want
Just heard back from RockNClothing...
They say it would not be difficult to offer the shirt in two different forms, one with the Mencken quote, the other without it.
I think, though, that the shirts without the quote would have nothing on the back, which I don't think is a major deal, but maybe some people wanted *something* on the back.
I asked about the possibility of two alternative quotes -- maybe "You're all on notice" or "Slice like a fucking hammer" -- but I think that is the Rubicon which they will not cross.
Alternate Quotes: Not right now, says the vendor. He'll wait and see about the initial response to the basic shirt. He doesn't rule out alternate quotes in the future, though, should the initial purchase be large enough to justify setting up a new screen for printing.