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December 29, 2004
What I Wouldn't Do For a Drudge Link
Fat Kid sends me this unbelievable site-meter display, from a blog called, it seems, Cheese & Crackers.
Drudge linked the blog.
The results were, erm, rather noticeable.
Bang! A 400,000+ hit day will really have an impact on your weekly average, I'm thinking.
For goodness sakes. I've been chasing Instapundit! Drudge is where the action is!
Now, if only I had access to some information he'd be interested in. Some headline like:
FREAK! Kitten Born With Inordinate Number of Nipples
HELLSTORM 2005: Hurricane Omega Threatens to Cause Boston and Galveston to Swap Places
MOUSEKEFEARS-- Someone You Never Heard of At Disney Is Planning Corporate Changes Which Will Not Effect You At All, Even If You Own Disney Stock
I've got to get cracking. I'm sure I've got some big Drudge-worthy story in me.
Welcome, New Visitors! I realize a lot of you are coming here off the Drudge/Cheese & Crackers link about the tsunami catastrophe, and you may not be in the mood for humor.
But it's actually this site's one-year blogoversary, and I'll be posting the best comedy (and serious) pieces of the year all day. So, if you're in the mood for laughs (and some of these pieces are really funny), make sure you return during the day, and hit the "Main" button at the top of the page for new material.