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December 29, 2004
Yawn: CAIR Complains About Insensitive Portrayal of Terrorists on 24
Enough already. There are genuine terrorists out there, and, I'm sorry to say, most of them happen to be Muslim.
Being a tolerant, multicultural sort of guy (really! but not to extremes), I do wish in fact that terrorist evil were more of an equal-opportunity endeavor, with terrorist cells made up precisely how TV shows usually depict violent street gangs (one black, one Hispanic, one Asian, and one white guy who always wears a mohawk). Because, you know, uneducated, violent street thugs are renown the world over for being among the most tolerant and multiculturally-attuned people on the face of the earth.
That's how gangs look, you know. Multi-ethnic.
I wish that the problem of global megaterrorism did not implicate one particular discreet ethnic group.
But it largely -- almost exclusively, actually -- does. That's reality.
And Hollywood, which apologizes for its occasionally nasty fare with the excuse that "we're just showing the world as it is," seems pretty damn uncomfortable with "just showing the world as it is" with respect to this one problem, the central problem of our age.
And, as Dave points out, even when Muslim terrorists are involved, they're almost always just patsies being used by Evil White Guys, anyway.
Serbians and Slavs seem to be the favorite Evil White Guys of the moment. I don't think that's really fair, either, but I don't hear them complaining. At least not too loudly.
One disagreement with Dave-- how did the masterful film True Lies depict Muslims in a stereotypical fashion? Bear in mind, it wasn't depicting Muslims so much as Muslim terrorists, and the film included the obligatory (but necessary) good Muslim on Arnold's team.