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December 27, 2004
The Oil-For-Food Scandal: The US Was Just As Involved As Anyone Else
Well, 26th place in terms of payoffs is enough for the left to claim US complicity while giving Russia and France their obligatory passes and apologism.
The partial list:
According to the U.N.-ordered inquiry led by Paul Volcker, these are the top 10 countries that purchased oil from Iraq (news - web sites) under the oil-for-food program from 1996 until 2003:
1. Russia $19.259 billion
2. France $4.394 billion
3. Switzerland $3.480 billion
4. Britain $3.380 billion
5. Turkey $3.343 billion
6. Italy $2.718 billion
7. China $2.625 billion
8. Liechtenstein $2.468 billion
9. Spain $1.644 billion
10. Malaysia $1.485 billion
The United States is listed in 26th place at $482.826 million.
Yeahp, it's all about the oil. And we're just as bad as anyone, except that we're worse, even though we're not, because we're Americans, and America is always the most blameworthy.
PS, I wonder how much of that $482 million that Clinton-pardonee Marc Rich was involved in.
Thanks to Greg "The Ace-Traitor" S.