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December 27, 2004
Humans Hunt Humans in New Orleans; No One Bothers To Help
No, it's not just the plot of a semi-bad Jean Claude Van Damme movie, this really happened:
Murder is always an act of depravity, but the circumstances coming into focus as police probe the death of Toree Donaldson suggest barbarity almost beyond belief. Apparently his killers had nothing more in mind than target practice last month as they trained an assault rifle on the 19-year-old and chased him screaming through the streets of the Lower 9th Ward.
That residents failed to respond either to the booming assault rifle or to Donaldson's cries for help as he banged on their doors only deepens the sense of shock among those investigating the crime.
A Gay Republican (hey, he told me so; plus, he kept asking me if I thought he "had a shot" with FoxNews' David Asman) from New Orleans has a modest proposal, and it involves distributing a shitload of guns.