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December 13, 2004
After the Election, Lefties Admit: We Don't Take Al Qaeda Seriously
Remember when you'd suggest that the Left doesn't take the threat of terrorism seriously, and they'd immediately begin stuttering "How dare you question my patriotism!" ? Remember how they kept assuring us they were all rootin'-tootin' eager to fight terrorists and miscreants all over the world, except that they just wanted to fight other dangerous rogue states (Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Texas, etc.)?
That was before the election, of course, back when they were still trying to con the nation. Now that they've lost, they have less incentive to lie, and they're coming clean about their actual beliefs.
Guess what? We were right all along, as David Corn now admits:
To provoke argument—or in this case, counter-argument—it’s useful to ask, how does the Al Qaeda threat compare to the threat of global warming? Or the threat of global AIDS? Or the threat of drunk drivers? AIDS and DWIers kill far more people than Al Qaeda has. Global warming could lead to death, disease and dislocation affecting millions.
Ahh.... I see. Al Qaeda is a major threat, right up there with global warming and drunk drivers. I feel so reassured as to liberals' comittment to fighting terrorism. Why, they might come up with an accord about it or something!
I just pulled that link out of Junkyard Blog's post, but the whole thing is worth reading.