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December 07, 2004
Pardon This Screwed Up Site... Again
But here's the deal: the delightful and omnicompetent WebDiva is going to be fixing the site, at least as far as functionality, sometime around 5:30 EST. The site may look a little wonky for a few hours, but by evening everything should be working.
And your donations will be paying for it. Thanks for those.
And, get this, within a few days she says she can have this site looking like the old-school site... only better, and less wonky.
Until things are fixed, comments are simply disabled. I just cannot get them to work without completely screwing up the entire site.
If you've got a yen to comment, may I suggest the excellent discussion forum The Perfect World, where I've even got my own dedicated folder? Registration's quick and painless and I think they'll even let you post for a while without registering at all.
I'm genuinely sorry for the unending problems with this site's functionality. Frankly I should have just paid a professional a long time ago, but it's always a hard choice between Val-U-Rite discount liquor and, well, any other expenditure.
By the Way: I don't want anyone to misconstrue this as, say, disatisfaction with the great work Madfish Willie did for me. He fixed everything for me. The problem is that I have no idea what I am doing, and so when I try to tinker with the template-- just putting in simple crap -- I screw everything up and I don't know how to fix it back to the point at which it had previously been fixed.
Thanks, too, for all of those who offered to help. But I just think that there was too much that needed to be done to expect someone to do all that work for me for free. But your offers are appreciated.