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New Poll: Bush Up in Pennsylvania and Michigan »
October 29, 2004
New Voters Won't Necessarily Help Kerry
But beware of the dead ones.
A poll of newly registered voters shows a slight preference for the President:
About 48 percent favor Bush in a head-to-head race, and 44 percent favor Kerry. Bush's support in the group has climbed 8 points since the previous Pace Poll/Rock the Vote survey in July while Kerry's support has slipped 6 points. Seven percent remain undecided.
Bush isn't ahead by much, but what I'm happy about is that he isn't far behind. If this poll is accurate, then it means all those claims about an army of committed liberals who just haven't voted before are bunk, and we can all relax and stop hoping for low turnout. Because non-voters are about equally split between Republicans and Democrats.
Is this worth a little Kim Richards? Oh yeah. But just a little.