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October 20, 2004
Polls, Polls, Polls
Mason-Dixon will show narrow, very narrow Bush edge in Florida, 48-45.
WaPo tracking: B 51, K 46.
And most Americans expect Bush to win:
While the various national polls show that voters prefer the president over Mr. Kerry by an average of four points, those same surveys place Mr. Bush some 20 points ahead on the question of which candidate is expected to win.
"If more people (regardless of whom they support) don't start telling pollsters that they believe Kerry will win, he probably can't," Mr. Halperin wrote in ABC's the Note, an online political briefing.
Roughly one-quarter of Kerry supporters who have an opinion on the outcome of the election predict the Massachusetts Democrat will lose, according to polls by Fox News and the TechnoMetrica Institute of Policy and Politics (TIPP). By contrast, only one of 18 Bush supporters who have an opinion on the outcome expect the president to lose.
Whatever people expect, you've got to vote.
A friend of mine joked that voting was for dorks. Maybe so, but this time around, you've got to put on your velvet dice-pouch and Spock-ears and dork it up, big time.