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September 23, 2004
Let Me Get This Straight
I'm just an amateur wannabe commentator with no J-school degree, so forgive me if I haven't received the proper training in separating "distractions" from "real issues."
But, if my stupid, tiny, non-credentialed brain can process all of these difficult facts, it seems that the Bush campaign is to be faulted for running an ad showing Kerry windsurfing, making the quite-relevant point that his positions change with the wind, in the midst of a war in which American sons and daughters are dying. This is "tasteless" and "light-hearted" and inappropriate in this time of great peril.
So, Bush is to be faulted for running ads, during a time of tumult and violence, about Kerry's windsurfing and, well, wind-policymaking.
I guess the obvious question to non-reporter moron to myself is: "If it's wrong to run an ad showing Kerry windsurfing during a war, isn't it, like, you know, more wrong for John Kerry to actually be windsurfing during a war?"
The man is blowing off all of his national security briefings and intelligence committee public hearings in order to go windsurfing... during a war.
Again, I'm sure the geniuses and philospher-kings who run our very balanced legacy media can explain why this is a very stupid question showing my ignorance and why they and they alone are competent to determine the "real issues," but my half-a-retard moron-brain would like them to explain it all to me anyway.
Maybe with pictures. Pictures I can comprehend. Words, not so much.