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September 21, 2004
Rathergate Developments: Day 14
AllahPundit brings me up to speed with all the good stuff-- including yet another pajama-patrol scoop, this time Wizbang figuring out that Burkett was claiming that George O. Conn passed him the documents.
That is, before he made up the name Lucy in Disguise with Times New Roman.
Meanwhile, Jonah Goldberg addresses a point I had wanted to address myself.
Think about it: Dan Rather ran this story on Bill Burkett's claim that George O. Conn provided him with the documents, but without actually ever confirming that with George O. Conn himself-- who is quite alive, even if he doesn't seem to want to come to the phone.
So-- a man with a history of nervous breakdowns and depression and who has a longstanding political and personal grudge against George W. Bush claims that another man passed him the docs, and CBS takes the word of the first man, ignoring the fact that the second man will not confirm Burkett's claims.
These are Dan Rather's self-styled "unimpeachable sources" -- a man of shaky credibility and mental health and another man who will not even talk to CBS? Unimpeachable sources?
As Inigo Montonya said: "You should stop using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."