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September 12, 2004
Our Neutral and Objective Press, Part 8,765
This article is triply infuriating.
One, it states that the documents now known to be forgeries are in fact real, without even a caveat that their authenticity is questioned, which seems the very least one could do.
Two, the article isn't even about Bush's Guard service; it's about current polling, nationwide and in specific states.
Three, the reporterette just happens, I'm sure, begin her piece with an entirely inadvertant cutesy reference to the forged documents (which she later reports on as genuine):
There's no way to sugarcoat it: This presidential election may be just as close, just as nerve-shredding, as the 2000 contest.
Kim Cobb works at the Houston Chronical. Her email is at the bottom of the news article, in case you'd like to ask her how she just came up with "sugarcoat" off the top of her head, and yet apparently hasn't heard the document mentioning that word was printed off of Word 97.
I swear. These people really should just get jobs at the DNC. That's plainly the sort of work they really want.