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September 09, 2004
INDC's Expert: At Least 90% Certain Docs are Forgeries

THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE MUST-READ. It's not only devastating, it's genuine blog reporting-- he's not linking to someone else. He himself called up a typeface/typewriter expert and asked him to check the documents.
Bill from INDC slices the documents like an f'n' hammer:
I asked him to put a percentage on the chances that this was a fake, and he said that was "hard to put a number on it." I then suggested "90%?" Again he said it's "hard to put an exact number, but I'd say it's at least that high, sure. I pretty much agree that that font is Times New Roman."
Times New Roman is a modern font, unavailable before computer word-processors became common.
Wow. Nice job, Bill.
Thanks to Phil for the tip.