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September 02, 2004
Hearsay from CNN: Zogby Has Bush Up 6 to 8 Points?!? (Correction: Not Quite)
I didn't hear it myself, so I can't vouch for it.
It's irresponsible, then, to post it, which, fortunately, I am.
Cue Celine Dion. The Titanic's going down, and I'm pretty sure I just saw Billy Zane putting on a dress.
Update: Okay, okay, that's totally silly; I just wanted to use the Billy Zane line.
I'll say this, though. I remember seeing Kerry on Meet the Press when he was getting his ass fed to him by the likes of Howard Dean. Based on that one appearance and nothing else, Kerry doesn't perform well when trailing. He looked like a beaten and tired old man, he was punch-drunk and robotic, and you could smell the stink of flop-sweat coming off him.
I don't think Kerry righted himself after that. I think Democrats finally heard the GOP's gloating over their impending nomination of Dean and stepped back from the brink of (one) disaster, and this had little to do with John Forbes Kerry.
If that Meet the Press performance by Kerry is characteristic of the man when losing (and I don't know that it is), the definite feeling of "loser" is going to be coming through the tv screens whenever Kerry is interviewed. Assuming he's behind, that is.
Update/Correction: The FreeRepublic post was sorta true but misleading. At least, it didn't mean what I intepreted it to mean.
Bush isn't up 6 to 8 points over Kerry in the latest Zogby poll; rather, he's seven net points up from where he was at the last poll. In the last poll, he was down five, 43-48; now he's up 2, 46-44.
The poll is thanks to MeTooThen.
But, as a pollster was just saying the other night, you have to look at the poll-to-poll difference. We may not know exactly where Bush is right now, but we do know that every major poll now shows him as having gained 4-7 points in the past couple of weeks.
Not too shabby.
I'm still pretty sure I saw Billy Zane in a dress. He was trying to buy babies from poor Irish immigrants and occasionally firing a derringer at the ceiling.