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Great Post-Zell Rundown From Allah »
September 02, 2004
Fox Ratings Slam
At some point, with FoxNews beating the broadcast networks and CNN now behind even MSNBC, the Liberal Media Spirit Squad is going to have to admit FoxNews is a real news operation.
And, one day, advertising firms (largely based in liberal cities) are going to have to start paying FoxNews at least as much as they pay CNN to reach one-third or less of FoxNews' audience.
Which may mean that I can one day turn on FoxNews and not be assualted by a commercial for the music of Christy Lane.
No offense. I'm sure she's a nice lady. But I don't think I should have to now know all of the lyrics to her songs (One day at a time, Sweet Jesus... and One set of footsteps, in the sand, though you promsied me you'd hold my hand... and of course I bel-ieeeve in Angels...) just because I want to see what's happening in Iraq.