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July 31, 2004
Where's the Bounce?, Part II: Nerds in Paradise
Okely-dokely. Yesterday I noted, following Politburo Diktat, that Kerry's much-vaunted convention bounce seemed, like Kerry's presence in the Senate, missing in action.
Some commentors noted that Rasmussen's polling that day only included some small fraction of interviews conducted during or after Kerry's speech.
That was a well-founded criticism.
But here's the deeley-oh, as the kids say. Now we have another full day of post-convention polling, and Kerry's lead-- which had stood at 3% -- has grown to a whopping one percent.
Was 48-45. Now 47-46.
Ummmm... isn't a "bounce" supposed to go the other way?
The theory that Kerry's best chance to steal the presidency is by way of an Invisible Man strategem seems to be buttressed by the latest numbers.
Bush obviously had a very good Friday night. We'll soon see if that was an aberration or something more substantial.