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Where's the Bounce?, Part II: Nerds in Paradise »
July 31, 2004
Strong Bias From the NY Times
Stay on message... stay on message...:
Meanwhile, Dems worked overtime trying to associate John Kerry and his running-mate, John Edwards, with the words "strong" and "strength."
The idea was meant to overcome the duo's hard-earned reputation for weakness on defense issues, given that the nation is at war. Kerry led the way, uttering some form of "strong" at least 17 times.
But maybe the biggest boost came from a newspaper: The New York Times.
"Edwards Gives Strong Tribute As Democrats Nominate Kerry," read its four-column, lead headline on Thursday (all emphasis added).
On Friday, the paper went whole hog for the cause: "Strong Show of 'Strength'," read a Page One analysis that itself noted the nominee's efforts to paint himself as "strong."
I should say so!
A strong show of strength? Is this a frickin' joke?
Planned headline for Bush's address: A Retarded Display of Retardation.
That should "balance" things out nicely.
But the Times doesn't stop there. Oh, no. Check out this headline today: The Nominee Seems a Happy Warrior.
Hmmm, why stop there? The Strong Happy Optimistic Prosperity Family-Fun-Time Nominee Seems a Very Happy Strong Tough-but-Fair Free-Sex Party-Time SuperWarrior of Mega-Strength.
They really should give me a job. I can bang these out right off the top of my head.