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Supreme Court Orders Bologna Sandwich Freed »
July 30, 2004
No Call From the Governor Yet
I've filed an emergency stay with the Supreme Court. We just have to hope now. Hope, and pray.
(crying:) I'm so... sorry. I'm so... sorry...! Waaaah
Be strong, Johnny. Have faith.
(wiping eyes:) I just want you to know... (sniffle)... I appreciate everything you've done for me... (sob)... and how ever this turns out... (blows nose)...
You've got just about the most impressive knockers on a fucking nun I've ever seen. I mean, you've got crazy-sick-coming-out-of-your-collar knockers. Your blouse is like Knocker-City. Population: Two.
(reaches for Johnny:) Population: Three...
Cue Benny Hill theme.