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Open Memo »
July 29, 2004
Josh Marshall: Capture of Al Qaeda Leader Shows "Suspicious Timing"
Again with the timing crap.
I'm sorry that hunting terrorists conflicts with your political calendar, Joshy.
Is Marshall suggesting that we delay capturing terrorists until after November 2nd so that we score no victories against Al Qaeda that might hurt John Kerry?
Remember, this is one of our fellow patriotic Americans talking. A fellow patriotic American who sees a captured Al Qaeda leader and screams in agony over it.
He'd rather have the terrorist free than in Bush's prison.
Hey, fuckface. Douchebag. Shall we delay all anti-terrorist measures until November 3rd? Please explain to us why we should do so.
Make you a deal. We'll cancel all such measures, but if there's a terrorist attack in the US that results in any American deaths, John Kerry concedes the election. Fair, asshole?
I'm sorry, but I just can't fucking take it anymore.
Update: At this point they -- meaning Marshall and his paranoid-fringe brethren at DU (except they're not fringe anymore; the liberals have embraced their inner lunatic) -- are actively on Al Qaeda's side. Any victory Bush scores against Al Qaeda is a victory against Kerry. Ergo, they're praying their little hearts out for Osama bin Ladin and Musab al-Zarqawi.
Is this an overstatement? Let's once again check in with Gary Kamiya, penning this "confession," self-justified though it is, in Salon after the fall of Baghdad:
"I have a confession: I have at times, as the war has unfolded, secretly wished for things to go wrong. Wished for the Iraqis to be more nationalistic, to resist longer. Wished for the Arab world to rise up in rage. Wished for all the things we feared would happen. I'm not alone: A number of serious, intelligent, morally sensitive people who oppose the war have told me they have had identical feelings.
"Some of this is merely the result of pettiness -- ignoble resentment, partisan hackdom, the desire to be proved right and to prove the likes of Rumsfeld wrong, irritation with the sanitizing, myth-making American media. That part of it I feel guilty about, and disavow. But some of it is something trickier: It's a kind of moral bet-hedging, based on a pessimism not easy to discount, in which one's head and one's heart are at odds."
The liberals keep claiming that these sorts of feelings don't exist. When confronted with statements like this one, they allow that such feelings exist, but are restricted to a tiny unbalanced fringe of lunatics. (Oddly enough, many members of this tiny fringe of lunatics seem to have permanent salaried positions in high-visibility mainstream media outfits, as well as in the Democrat Party.)
You combine these admissions with Marshall waving the bloody shirt over the fact that we caught a very high ranking Al Qaeda leader -- sad news for the nation indeed! -- and you tell me these people put the security of their country above getting their precious fucking liberals back into the White House.
Anti-American Minds Think Alike: No one ever accused Oliver Willis of possessing an overly-inventive mind.
Except when it comes to Filet-O-Fish sandwiches, of course. I have it on good authority that it was this brilliant thinker that thought of putting that little wedge of cheese on the Filet-O-Fish sandwich.
And this is the same asshole that's forever complaining, in his "cute" turn of phrase of which he's tremendously proud, of the "Right Wing Wurlitzer Machine," whatever that could possibly mean, parroting the day's official political talking points. But of course he's only too happy to ape Marshall's latest conspiracy theories.
I salute you, you obnoxious ovoid. You've got the triple-crown: You're you're untalented, you're unoriginal, and you're viciously hypocritical.
You've done a man's job. Why don't you reward yourself with a nice feedbag of White Castles?