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June 22, 2004
David Bowie Hit In the Eye With a Lollipop
I tried to think of a cute headline, but honestly, is it necessary?
The headline is accurate. A lollipop was thrown right into his eye, and the stick-end became lodged there.
It's not gory, but the picture is, believe it or not, not for the easily-rattled. You don't appreciate how ugly a sight it is to see a lollipop stuck in someone's eye until you've actually witnessed it.
This is interesting:
One fan said: “He grabbed a mike and called the person responsible a coward and bastard for hiding in the crowd.
Hmmmm... I know someone else who calls shadowy assailants who hide amidst a civilian population "cowards." And swells like David Bowie call him an idiot monster for doing so.
Not to politicize an apolitical event, but here goes: Why is it that liberal politics gives people the confidence to say that things they know in their gut are true -- murder is evil and murderers should be harshly punished; there is no "excuse" for violent crime; people who attack the innocent while hidden in crowds are cowards -- are in fact 100% false? And, indeed, anyone believing in such 100% false ideas is some sort of a racist thug?
Why do they imagine there's such a great divergence between micro-politics (what we say and do and believe in our own small personal lives) and macro-politics (what we say and do and believe about how our nation should behave)?
Hat tip: Right Wing News.