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June 17, 2004
Ministry of Silly Links
Sometimes I hanker for a hunk of cheese, and I don't know why.
Oh yeah. Because of these cartoon PSA's that used to run on ABC on Saturday Mornings in the early eighties (scroll down; posted on Monday, June 14).
Update: What business is it of the American Broadcasting Corporation if I choose to "drown my food," or even if I have a "Yuck Mouth"?
Seriously-- who's the victim here?
These little brainwashing cartoons are the fluoridation of the mind.
I Wasted My Youth Update: Only the worst sort of couch-potato protonerd could possibly have committed all these dopey tunes and lyrics to memory.
Good Grief! Didn't my dad ever play ball with me? Did I not have any friends at all?
Is this where it all went so horribly wrong for me?