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June 11, 2004
Tom Brokaw Decides Bush Needs an Editor
Via the indispensible Real Clear Politics, I struck on this link to New England Republican, who catches Tom Brokaw editing out important parts of President Bush's answers.
Pay particular attention to the second part of the transcript, in which Bush mentions al-Zarqawi and Abu Nidal of examples of Saddam's connection to Al Qaeda and terrorism generally, but which Tom Brokaw edits out. And we're only talking ten words here:
"He had Zarkawai in his midst. He had Abu Nadal."
Ten words, which Tom Brokaw apparently felt had to be clipped out. It's not as if this were some long, ponderous aside. It was ten words. Ten words which Brokaw edited out of the President's answer. Ten words which have important bearing on the question of why we went to war in Iraq.
So, let's sum up: Not only does the liberal media refuse to report on Saddam's extensive terrorist connections, they actually delete statements regarding such from the President's answers during interviews.
Oh, that liberal media.
Meanwhile, check out both RCP and for sharp skepticism about the LA Times' poll showing Kerry at 51%.
Kaus can't help but note that the LA Times also showed Gray Davis in a dead-heat with Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Update! Gee, what are the odds? Brokaw also edited out Bush trumpeting the surging jobs-creation.
When the nation is losing jobs, it gets wall-to-wall play. When we're creating jobs, it's such a boring topic that Brokaw feels he needs to delete the President's comments about it in order not to antagonize his audience.