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Belated Memorial Day Thought »
June 01, 2004
Giving a Shout-Out to Mu-Nu Angels
Thanks so much to Light and Dark for fixing my stupid archives. I was really starting to hate blogging because of that glitch. Now everything is copacetic.
And thanks to Miss Apropos for offering to help, and to Ilyka Damen for putting out a distress call on my behalf (which resulted in Light and Dark rescuing me).
The archives now work like a dream, and you can now peruse my scary-important older postings. If you want to read about Michael Moore's lunch-time New York rampage, it is available for your renewed pleasure.
There's other stuff that still needs to be fixed, but now I'm quite sure that the comments/remember me stuff will all get fixed shortly. With Paul, Emma, and Ilyka on the job, it's a lead-pipe cinch.