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May 19, 2004
Petition Demanding Senator Kennedy's Resignation
As you know, very serious and over-the-top charges have been leveled against this country by Massachusetts' senior Senator. If you've never heard of him, he's a champion at the soon-to-be-Olympic-sport known as "the modern Hexathalon" (Chivas chugging; grab-assing; drunk driving; vehicular bridge-diving; the twenty-foot surface swim combined w/mistress abandonment; vehicular manslaughter; and then political-connections cover-up).
Flying Spacemonkey alerts us to a petition demanding that this gold-medal hexathalete resign his position of trust in the Senate immediately.
We don't know how smart it is to toss around charges like treason. We do it ourselves, but we don't know how smart that is, either. And we're not joiners and signers, like so many liberals obviously are; you probably aren't, either.
Still, if you're interested, the petition is here.