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May 11, 2004
Smells Like Teen Realignment, Part II: Protest Warrior Makes MTV
Thanks to Little Green Footballs, we were directed toward the Protest Warrior site.
There we discovered that these guys actually made it on to the dopiest "newscast" in all of TV, MTV's ludicrous "Choose or Lose" feature.
Here's where you can see no lesser light than John Norris calling Protest Warrior "rebels with a conservative cause" and "Republican renegades."
Yeahp, John Norris. You heard right: John Norris. Only Kurt Loder and that redheaded walking tit Tabitha Soren are higher up on the MTV moron-news foodchain.
All ribbing about MTV aside -- Nice going, Protest Warrior. A big part of the left's appeal is its strange ability to convince young people that its boomer-centered mix of statism, nannyism, and general douchebaggery constitutes some type of rebel-cool. Anything that helps undermine that bizarre linkage is helpful.
You can also watch their 45-minute documentary about "Operation Wolverines," also known as tweaking the morons at recent A.N.S.W.E.R. rallies.
Our favorite part: at the LA rally (about 18-20 minutes in), a "legal observer" from ANSWER says he's there to "document the police" to make sure they're "respecting the rights" of ANSWER protestors.
He then notes that Protest Warrior is there, and that he'll "be watching them too."
Why?, he's asked.
Because Protest Warrior is obviously just there to "disrupt the ANSWER demonstration." !!!???!!!???-- disrupt a demonstration?
Is that anything like discombobulating a clusterfuck?
He then says he'll carefully document any "law-breaking" by the Protest Warrior folks, in order to make sure that if they do break the law, they're "punished by the police."
The police must respect ANSWER's right to break the law (and they always do, of course, in ways both great and small), but the moment Protest Warrior steps out of line, ANSWER's "legal observer" is going to sic the pigs on them.
General leftist douchebaggery defined.